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We recognize the need to reinforce therapy with outside resources!  Therefore, we have thoughtfully put together a selection of our preferred resources, each with their own unique merit.  We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.  

The Marriage Reclaimed Library

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The Good Fight: How conflict can bring you closer

Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott


There is a general idea that conflict is always divisive and hurtful.  Drs. Parrot challenge their readers to see conflict as an opportunity to connect with your spouse--and they give excellent suggestions for how to do that!  This book is an easy to read with easily applicable strategies.

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The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work

Dr. John Gottman

Dr. Gottman brings decades of study and research to the field of marriage therapy.  This text provides a straightforward approach to finding satisfaction in your marriage by approaching your relationship thoughtfully and intentionally, while implementing helpful strategies and habits in your daily life.  One of our preferred resources as it provides very helpful conflict management and communication strategies that are easy to implement as you read them!

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